Τηλ. Παραγγελίες: 23310 28830 
Sioutis Leather
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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Make sure that you agree with the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of the above website sioutisleather.gr implies your explicit and unconditional consent and consent with them.


The online store sioutisleather.gr is an online store selling products through the Internet which belongs to the private company Sioutis Manolis, Clothing Trade, based in Veria, Edessis 6, VAT number 145 077 550, Tax Office of Veria, No. GEMI 138633426000. The visitor / user of the website is invited to carefully read these terms of use and to visit / use the pages / services of sioutisleather.gr only if he fully accepts them. Upon the visitor / user entering this website, it is presumed that he has become aware of the terms of use, accepts these terms and waives any claim he may have made from his visit to sioutisleather.gr.

Sioutisleather.gr reserves the right to add, modify and / or remove at any time any element and / or information contained therein as well as to temporarily or permanently suspend part or all of its services without any notice at its sole discretion.

Any invalidity of some terms herein does not invalidate the rest. The non-exercise by sioutisleather.gr of his rights under these terms does not imply his resignation from these rights. Sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for violation of these terms due to reasons of force majeure, such as extreme weather events, earthquakes, floods, fires, emergencies, etc.

The use of this website by each user is at his own risk. The content of this website does not constitute and can in no way be construed as providing advice, direct or indirect encouragement to users to take any action. The evaluation of the content of this website is at the discretion of each user, who also assumes responsibility for the use of any part of it.

In case of non-acceptance of any terms of use, the use of sioutisleather.gr is expressly prohibited.


Sioutisleather.gr is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on this website, both in terms of the identity of sioutisleather.gr and the services provided by it subject to any technical or typographical errors, which can not be predicted or have occurred unintentionally or interruptions of this website due to force majeure. In particular, sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for defective products and / or untrue information concerning the goods of its suppliers and contained in this website. The relevant responsibility lies solely with its individual suppliers.


All content of sioutisleather.gr, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services provided and in general all the files of this website, except for the explicit exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and organizations), are copyright , registered trademarks and service marks of sioutisleather.gr and the private company Sioutis Manolis and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions and treaties. The other products or services mentioned on the web pages of this website and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partners, associations or publications, are their own intellectual property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.

It is prohibited to copy, distribute, modify, alter, compile, format, reproduce, distribute, transfer, sell, republish, upload data to any computer (upload) in any way any information (in whole, in part or in summary) provided on this site in any way or means, including their posting on the Internet or the posting of information on the Internet in any other way without the prior written permission of the private company "Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)"


"Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)" is committed to protect the personal data of visitors / users of the website sioutisleather.gr and to comply with the relevant provisions on personal data protection (Law 2472/1997 to protect the individual from processing personal data) as applicable.

It is not required to provide data that constitute personal data for navigating sioutisleather.gr or for accessing its content, except in those cases where in order for a visitor / user to access some offers, he must first become a member of sioutisleather. gr.

However, if the visitor / user wishes to order products but also to ensure the possibility of communication with him and in general for the support, promotion and execution of the business relationship with him, it is possible that he will be asked to disclose his personal information. details (such as name, occupation, email address, date of birth, etc.). Any personal data of the users are intended exclusively for the purpose of executing the orders and the contracts that will be concluded through sioutisleather.gr for the provision of the products. Also, visitors / users when registering in the services of sioutisleather.gr have the opportunity, if they wish, to request information about new products of this online store as well as the existing offers either from the company itself or from cooperating companies by email to their declared e-mail address or by promotional-informative message via SMS on their mobile phone. In this case the visitor / user agrees that the information submitted to sioutisleather.gr is complete, correct, true, accurate and valid and that if they change they will inform the relevant service of sioutisleather.gr so that the registration information is kept complete, correct. , true, expensive and valid. If the user wishes to stop the communication for promotional reasons, it is enough to visit the contact form of the website sioutisleather.gr, where he can declare his relevant wish at any time. Members remain solely responsible for all operations carried out under their personal password, username and generally their account. Members agree to immediately notify sioutisleather.gr of any unauthorized use of their account and any occurrence and / or possible breach of security. Also, members are solely responsible for the careful use of their account and their formal exit from their account at the end of each year. Sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for any damage or loss arising from the inability of members to respect and follow this clause. By registering on sioutisleather.gr the user consents that his personal data be used by the private company "Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)" as responsible for their processing through automated means either by itself or through any other person appointed by Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr) for carrying out the processing by order and on its behalf.

However, because unauthorized third parties may be able to read users' messages sent over the Internet, users are advised not to e-mail information that they wish to remain confidential.

Registered users as well as those who provide their personal information on the website sioutisleather.gr, have the right to request and receive from "Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)" the following information: a) all personal data concerning them , b) the purposes of processing and any recipients, c) the correction of their data kept in the file, as well as the right to object at any time to the data concerning them.

Registered users have the right to request the deletion of their data at any time and free of charge, at any time by sending an email to m.sioutis@gmail.com

The disclosure of personal data by the users of sioutisleather.gr in the above manner constitutes acceptance of the terms of use of this data in accordance with the present. In case the user does not consent to the above use of his personal data, he should not fill in the relevant fields.


Sioutisleather.gr makes every reasonable effort to secure the personal data of users by observing strict security measures, which in the judgment of sioutisleather.gr may be changed or modified. Users, however, are informed that sending confidential information via e-mail services is not the safest way to send it, as it involves the risk of being read this information by unauthorized third parties.
To ensure the protection of users' personal data, your transactions in our online store sioutisleather.gr are protected by Alpha Bank's top online security systems which guarantee a secure trading environment. With this security technology, every item you enter in our e-shop is encrypted before it goes online and then the authenticity of the message and the server where the message came from is investigated.
Finally, personal security is the password given by the user when he becomes a member of www.sioutisleather.gr sioutisleather.gr advises users, for security reasons, to change their password regularly and to avoid the use of the same and easily traceable codes.


Sioutisleather.gr is against the collection of data on minors, ie people under 18 years of age.


If the visitors of sioutisleather.gr use the communication possibilities provided by this website to provide information other than personal data, such as suggestions about the website or ideas for ads and products as well as any other relevant information, the This information, proposals and ideas come into the possession of sioutisleather.gr with the consent of the visitor and can be used / utilized by sioutisleather.gr in any way (eg reproduction, modification, notification to third parties, etc.) for commercial or non-purposes, and the visitor who provides the said information, suggestions and ideas waives any right to the said information, suggestions and ideas provided voluntarily as well as waives any right to compensation for the use of the above material by sioutisleather.gr


The visitor / user of this website is solely responsible for its legal use and is obliged to refrain from any illegal acts and abusive behavior as well as from the adoption of illegal practices and practices of unfair competition.

The visitor / user is prohibited from sending or transmitting illegal material through sioutisleather.gr. Material that infringes the rights of third parties (such as intellectual and industrial property rights and privacy and privacy rights) and / or is false, inaccurate, threatening, abusive, offensive, obscene, violent, defamatory or inciting criminal acts. Visitors / users are also prohibited from causing harm to minors in any way, forging or otherwise altering the identities of users / members in order to mislead about the origin of the content transmitted through sioutisleather.gr, the post, posting, sending or using any other means to place any unsolicited advertising or other content related to the promotion of products or services or third party websites, sending unsolicited and uninvited emails from the recipient and any other promotion of unwanted content. Harassment of third parties in any way is prohibited. Visitors / users agree that they will not endanger the security of this website and that they will not prevent any user from accessing this website. Using the website for illegal purposes carries civil and criminal penalties. The visitor / user agrees and accepts that sioutisleather.gr bears no responsibility for material with the above characteristics, which comes from third parties and is hosted on the website, while in no case can it be considered that sioutisleather.gr embraces or accepts such content.

The user / member understands and accepts that using the services of sioutisleather.gr may be exposed to offensive, immoral or illegal content.

In case sioutisleather.gr is notified that any content causes moral damage or other damage to a third party, reserves the right to immediately delete this content and at the same time to terminate the account of the user / member, who violates the terms of the present. Sioutisleather.gr states that it will cooperate with any police or judicial authority, in order to reveal the identity of any user who publishes or transmits similar material or information.

Visitors / users undertake that their information submitted to sioutisleather.gr is complete, correct and accurate, that they comply with the rules of Greek law and especially with the provisions of telecommunications legislation, that they abstain from any illegal and contrary to good morals use of sioutisleather.gr and that they do not violate any rights of third parties and, in particular, personal privacy.

In the event that a visitor / user causes technical damage to the website or the systems that transmit the website to visitors / users, he is responsible for any damage resulting from that damage and assumes any cost to repair the damage.

Also, the visitor / user of sioutisleather.gr understands and accepts that he retains the exclusive responsibility to compensate sioutisleather.gr and its partners for any legal dispute that arises between him and third parties due to the content that he has provided for posting, publication or other transfer through the services of sioutisleather.gr as well as in case of inaccurate registration of data during its registration or updating of its data and in general in case of any violation of these terms of use.


The visitor / user understands and accepts that sioutisleather.gr reserves the exclusive right, without any prior notice, to stop using his / her passwords for his / her services and / or to stop making his / her content available to the visitors / users he / she believes that they have violated the letter and the spirit of these terms of use. Sioutisleather.gr does not bear any obligation towards the visitor / user for the above interruption or for any case of claim related to the above interruption.


Sioutisleather.gr is not liable to its customers / users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order (except in the cases of paragraph 13 "Product Returns".
Sioutisleather.gr reserves the right to deliver the goods in cases of force majeure.
Sioutisleather.gr can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the timely information of the final consumers about their non-availability.

Sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for any kind of damage suffered by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and contents of sioutisleather.gr, which he proceeds on his own initiative and responsibility (eg indicative but not restrictive damage due to illegal acts of third parties such as interception or decryption of codes and data, dissemination of viruses during the use of the website or reproduction (download) of content of its content, in problems that may occur during the use of computers (e.g. data loss etc) etc). Sioutisleather.gr is used as is, without express or implied warranty and depending on its availability. Sioutisleather.gr makes reasonable efforts for the maintenance and availability of its content. Nevertheless, users accept that sioutisleather.gr reserves the right to modify and / or temporarily or permanently suspend all or part of it with and / or without notice to users, as availability may be affected by their equipment. users, from other communication networks, from the large number of people who try to use sioutisleather.gr at the same time or for other reasons. Therefore, sioutisleather.gr does not bear any responsibility for any kind of damage (positive, negative, negligent, intra-contractual or other) resulting from the inability of users to access it, the termination of all or parts of it, the delay, non-delivery, interruption or poor quality of receiving its services or loss of their content, the existence of any kind of errors. In any case, sioutisleather.gr reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of all or part of it for reasons of maintenance or upgrade or for any reason.

Sioutisleather.gr does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that this website will be secure, that errors will be corrected on this website or that the server makes available sioutisleather.gr has no viruses or other harmful elements. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and in no case sioutisleather.gr.


Sioutisleather.gr may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on the hard drive of each user, do not know any document or file from the user's computer and are used only to facilitate the user's access to specific services, for marketing purposes as well as for statistical purposes, so to determine the areas in which the services of sioutisleather.gr are useful or popular. The user can configure his server so that he does not receive cookies, either in total or on a case by case basis. In this case, the user can not further access these services.


Sioutisleather.gr may contain links to other websites. The connection of sioutisleather.gr with other websites through links is done only for the convenience of visitors / users. These websites are not under the control of sioutisleather.gr and therefore sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of their services. Sioutisleather.gr is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage to users / visitors, resulting from the use of the ability to connect to another website through links or from the use of data and information contained in any similar website. Therefore, for any problem that arises during their visit / use, the visitor / user must go directly to the respective websites and pages, which bear full responsibility (civil and criminal) responsibility for security, law, validity of the content of their websites and the provision of their services excluding any responsibility of sioutisleather.gr. Sioutisleather.gr in no case should be considered as embracing or accepting the content or services of these websites and the pages to which it refers or links to them in any way.


Returns of products charged by "Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)"
Does the customer have the right to return the products purchased from this online store with a charge of "Sioutis Emmanuel (sioutisleather.gr)", in the following cases:

1. If, through the fault of sioutisleather.gr, wrong products were sold (error in receiving the order, in the invoicing, in the shipment, etc.). In this case, the customer may either refuse to pick up the product from the beginning or request a refund. Returned products must be in excellent condition, sealed, complete and without any damage. The packaging of the product should be the one that normally accompanies the product and should be in excellent condition.

2. If, through the fault of sioutisleather.gr, products of poor quality were sold (damaged during transport, with poor packaging, DOA, etc.). In this case, the customer must not accept the receipt of the product and contact this online store. In case the customer agrees to receive the product, sioutisleather.gr will not accept any return and therefore will not make a replacement. In addition, in case the customer does not return the product then, a new product will not be sent to him and the customer will have to place a new order / purchase. The product must be returned in the condition it was delivered.

In both cases, the maximum return period may not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt.

Returns of products at the customer's expense.

The customer reserves the right to return the products purchased, free of charge and without obligation to announce the reason for which he wishes the products returned, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt. In this case, it is charged with the direct cost of returning the products. Returns will only be accepted if the products the customer wishes to return are in exactly the same condition in which they were received, ie without being unsealed or their packaging damaged. The customer must complete and send to sioutisleather.gr the relevant withdrawal form that he will find on this website within the above deadline.

In case of return of the products, the refund corresponding to the products ordered by the customer, will be completed within 15 days from the date that sioutisleather.gr will receive the returned products. The return can be done by crediting the bank account of the customer, who will be notified to sioutisleather.gr in time and in writing.


In any case of product return, the customer is obliged to deliver intact and in excellent condition the products and all documents that accompanied the product (eg DAT, Retail, marketing material or any other promotional material, etc.).


Sioutisleather.gr does not provide any guarantee either for the quality, or for the suitability of the products sold for any specific purpose, nor does it guarantee the safety and protection of the users of these products. Such guarantees are provided, if any, only by the manufacturers and the customer must be informed of the packaging of the product. Any telephone update made by sioutisleather.gr regarding manufacturers' guarantees is done simply and only for the convenience of the customer and in no case is it a guarantee of sioutisleather.gr



Orders are accepted and orders are shipped only within Greece. Shipments are made daily except Saturday - Sunday and public holidays between 9.00 am-15.00 pm.
The various product offers that appear in this online store are valid until stocks last.

The prices listed are the final ones, ie VAT is included. Sioutisleather.gr reserves the right to change prices without prior notice to customers. In any case, the customer at the time of receipt of the product ordered will pay the price, which was listed at the time of order.

Order Completion / Confirmation
Upon completion of the order, the customer will receive from sioutisleather.gr via email and / or telephone the confirmation and the order number.

Cancellation of order
Before the order is completed, during the electronic order process, the customer can press the corresponding field "Cancel" and thus proceed to the automatic cancellation of his order.

Modification of the order
After the completion of the order, changes can be made if requested within 24 hours.

Product availability
In case a product ordered by the customer is not available, then sioutisleather.gr will contact him via email and / or telephone, within a reasonable period of time from the placement of the order, to inform him about when his delivery is likely . If the customer considers that the time of receipt of the product does not satisfy him, he can cancel the order of the product in question while any other order can be executed normally.

Order tracking
Sioutisleather.gr provides the customer with the opportunity to monitor the progress of his order, through the informative emails he receives every time his order changes stage. Also, at any time, the customer can enter the field "My Account" and give his codes (username and password) in order to be informed about the stage of his order.

Products delivery
In case the purchase was made by credit card to secure the holder, the delivery of the products is done only to the buyer, who must pick up the order in person by presenting his original ID or passport and credit card. Receipt of the order by a third party is prohibited unless the buyer authorizes a third party in writing. And in the case of written authorization, the authorized person will have to show the above documents in order to complete the delivery of the products made by credit card.

Delivery time
Delivery is made no later than 30 days from the day of the order and depends on the availability of the products. In exceptional cases and if the customer has been informed in advance, the delivery time may be extended.

Delivery method
The products are received exclusively through a courier company.

Shipping / COD
Regardless of the method of payment (by credit card or cash on delivery), any shipping and cash on delivery management costs are borne in each case by the customer-buyer and are paid by the latter to the employee of the courier company upon delivery-receipt of the products.

Shipping costs for all of Greece are calculated based on the weight of the products. There may be a difference in charges if more than ONE shipping company offers from our online store. From time to time we may also offer discounts on Shipping Costs.


The online store sioutisleather.gr accepts Visa and Mastercard / Maestro credit cards.

For purchases made by credit card, the customer should follow the instructions found in this online store. In the order form he will find, he will have to fill in the number and the expiration date of his credit card. Credit card debit is made subject to verification and certification of the data and its validity. The customer is solely responsible for the correct registration and truth of the credit card details.

In any case of purchase, the buyer must also be the holder of the card used for the respective transaction.

The customer pays the employee of the courier company, who acts on the orders of sioutisleather.gr, with the delivery of the order at his place.

In both payment methods there is the option of issuing either a retail receipt or an invoice.
Invoice is issued to companies and freelancers, if they fill in the following information when ordering: company name, VAT number, Tax Office and profession for the self-employed.

The customer can choose to pick up the product ordered from the company's physical store in Veria Imathia, Malakousi 18 after calling 23310 22892. The products will remain available in the store for an additional period of up to 5 working days from the pre-agreed (by phone) delivery date. Collection from the store is paid exclusively in cash.

The customer can pay for his order by bank deposit in the cooperating banks in Greece, such as Alpha Bank or by transfer via another bank. The Shipping Order process will start as soon as we confirm the amount paid in our account, which means that if the deposit is made by a different bank, we will have to wait until it appears to us, while from the same bank the transfer is usually done immediately.
After depositing money please contact the accounting department by phone at 23310 28830 or send us by Email the deposit receipt at m.sioutis@gmail.com


The delivery of the products is done by cooperating courier companies, in which sioutisleather.gr promotes the personal data of the users, such as name and shipping address, so that the delivery and execution of the orders becomes possible.


The order may be delayed for the following reasons:

1. The product has been delayed from being shipped by our supplier. In this case, sioutisleather.gr will contact the customer to ask if he wants the order to be delivered without this product or to offer him an alternative. This item will be sent to the customer upon receipt in our warehouses.
2. The product has already been removed and is no longer available. In this case, sioutisleather.gr will contact the customer to provide him with an alternative solution.
3. In periods of extreme weather events or strikes as well as in case of force majeure, which may affect the transport and delivery of the customer's order. In this case, ssioutisleather.gr will contact the customer as soon as possible, in order for the latter to state whether he wishes to complete the order under these conditions.
4. In case it is impossible to communicate by phone and / or via email with the customer (if, for example, there is a problem with the order, either in relation to the product or in relation to its payment) because e.g. the customer details entered are not properly updated.


These terms of use and the use of the website sioutisleather.gr are governed by Greek Law, by the applicable legal provisions of the European Union and by the relevant International Treaties. In the event that any of these terms would be deemed invalid or void, this void or cancellation will not affect the validity of the other terms. The Courts of Veria are responsible for resolving any dispute that may arise from the use of the website sioutisleather.gr or regarding the interpretation or application of these terms of use or on their occasion.


For any clarification related to sioutisleather.gr, users can contact 23310 28830 or contact sioutisleather.gr at the email address m.sioutis@gmail.com as well as at the postal address: 6 Edessis, Veroia, Imathia, T. K 59132.